The exponents of those dimensions found in numerical magnitude estimation predict the exponents found in magnitude production.
This estimation relied on seismological techniques measuring the first seismic waves recorded, a method that lends itself to underestimation when a quake exceeds a magnitude of 8.5.
Data on several important sensitivity tests are analyzed again by a method of magnitude order estimation, then a concept on the critical thermal energy density is formulated.
Import magnitude reconstruct method to estimation wavelet base on high-order statistics after phase estimation theory, and perfecting the method of estimation wavelet though high-order statistics.
In the quantitative evaluation, estimation fracture parameters mainly by dual lateral logging magnitude difference and image logging.
Moment magnitude is transformed from seismic moment, so the estimation inaccuracy of stress drop and shear modulus will affect moment magnitude scaling.
This region can be divided into 3 sections according to Corresponding magnitude estimation for the future events.
A parameter estimation algorithm of chirp signal which makes use of the position and magnitude of non zero cyclic spectral peaks to estimate the three parameters is presented.
In the end, a study on the estimation of magnitude of in-situ stress was described.
In the end, a study on the estimation of magnitude of in-situ stress was described.