As the first diagram shows, the main component would be a containment assembly that could fit on top of a damaged blowout preventer, such as the one from which the Macondo oil poured forth.
The challenge is to take a molecule of methane, the main component of natural gas consisting of one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms, and turn it into something bigger.
Growing evidence suggests that acetic acid, the main component of vinegar, helps reduce blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and the formation of fat.
Several types of registration (and corresponding release) can be done, including a main component, a floating component, and a video player component.
Methane, familiar to most people as the main component of natural gas fuels, is a greenhouse gas less common than carbon dioxide in the atmosphere but far more potent.
When SO2 combines with water, it forms sulfuric acid; this is the main component of acid rain which is a cause of deforestation.
Having a certain reflexive elegance, the main component of the decorator module is a decorator called decorator .
The process table, the main component of procmon, displays the various processes that are running on the system, and they can be ordered and filtered based on the user configuration.
The model is the main component that maintains the state and data model that the application represents.
Earlier work done by her team has shown that, in mice at least, the herpes infection of nerve cells induces accumulation of beta amyloid, the main component of amyloid plaques.
This is the main component in the GlobalAirlinesBP module.
This is the main component in the GlobalAirlinesESB module.
The main component of the Husky is ground-penetrating radar called the VISOR 2500.
Husky的主要成分是被称为VISOR 2500的地面穿透雷达。
The Blueprint Container specification defines four main component managers: a bean manager, a service manager, and two service reference managers.
BlueprintContainer规范定义了四种主要的组件管理器:一个beanmanager、一个service manager和两个servicereferencemanagers。
The main component is the portion in the tags, this includes a call to the local rss-summary function, providing the RSS source (in this a local file, although it could be a URL).
主要组成部分是标记中的部分,这部分包括一个对本地rss -summary函数的调用,该函数提供rss源(在这里是一个本地文件,尽管它可能是一个URL)。
The main component of the package,, supports the receipt of a CBS Message.
该包的主要组件com . sun . midp . io .j2me . cbs . Protocol支持cbs消息的接收。
A main component of this process is specifying the target, or the schema, that will be visible after the integration.
DOTS was first developed in 1994 and was later incorporated into the WHO Stop TB Strategy as its main component.
The main component of Habitat is a 100 square foot cubic pod that is designed to house a bed, a table, a kitchen and a storage space.
The main component that is necessary to write a great article is creativity.
Because silicon, the main component of semiconductors, breaks down at about 200 degrees Fahrenheit, some experts believe a new material will be needed in a decade or so.
In information age, information quality is the main component of overall quality of the person.
This paper analyzes hydrostatic servo actuator in motion system for flight simulator, and introduces structural principle of main component of the system.
Collagen is a fibrous protein that is a main component of living bone tissue, in which it forms a so-called collagen matrix.
A main component of our silence is an appreciation of the obvious.
What is the main component of MSG?
Water is a main component of human environment, and also the basic element of life.
Such impurities requiring calibration calculation normally use main component as reference and use relative retention time for orientation, such value are to be recorded under each type.
Such impurities requiring calibration calculation normally use main component as reference and use relative retention time for orientation, such value are to be recorded under each type.