The main concern now is that a new drag source is created after the start of a drag operation.
Select all the columns, and then drag them onto the main pane.
Select all the columns and then drag them onto the main pane.
Drag any scope element from the main menu bar onto the requirement.
When you're ready to back up, simply open your USB drive from the Places menu, then open your main Windows drive, and drag files to copy from your Windows system onto the backup medium.
In other words, when actual output falls, it can drag potential output down with it-the main reason why Mr Williams and Mr Weidner believe that the gap is smaller than the CBO's estimates.
Some people find this helpful when they get lost inside their design, or when they wish to drag an arrow to a page which is not quite visible in the main window.
Visiting here is like spending your vacation in a vintage shop. Old men in dapper Fedora hats and antique Italian shades haunt Harnet Avenue, the palm-studded main drag in Asmara, the capital.
Another, off the main drag, was a full-on care center with music-therapy rooms, private counseling, and lounge areas; when I visited, it was nearly empty.
There are two main tasks while processing the pictures – to drag the maximum details from the usually dim objects and noise removing.
Use the Move Tool (v) to then click and drag the planet into our main canvas, positioning it somewhere on the top right.
Asthe program has swelled in the last few years, the institute hasoutgrown its main building and expanded to classroom space behindthe International House of Pancakes on the campus’s main drag.
Very weak exports have continued to be the main drag on growth, while import volumes have recovered in the second quarter of 2009 as raw material imports rebounded.
On Rustaveli Avenue, Tbilisi's main drag, the Museum of the Soviet Occupation stands right across from Georgia's national parliament.
Two of our regulars are playing host in a booth on the arcade's main drag, a hetero couple in their 30s.
Drag the crosshair to another window, and it will be framed, and the main properties are displayed in the main window.
We managed to park on the main drag and take some photos whilst congratulating each other on making the Peking to Paris leg of our journey.
If the flow drops to about 40 % of the rated flow, the HPRT stops producing power and a drag can be imposed on the main driver.
This is the main drag, the main boulevard, but just behind the first row of buildings-just in the back streets here-you find a completely different world.
But, pressure drag is the main concern (worry) and if it is reduced then overall drag is reduced.
The main parts, such as drag plate, rack and half-gear are all made of special material with high quality though processing under advanced technologies.
To draw a measurement line, click the New line button and then click and drag in the main image window with the left mouse button to place the start and end points of the line.
Atmospheric drag is the main perturbation force on a low earth orbit satellite and is closely related to the variation of high atmospheric density.
The results indicate that the head-on wind area of the TAB is the main factor in determining the drag size.
Along Olaya Street, Riyadh's main drag, traffic police are out in force. The road is clogged with cars packed with young men cruising.
That seemed a splendid idea, so I agreed, and off we went, chattering happily down the middle of Langzhong's main drag.
Its 3 pedestrianized main drag is lined with modern art and hotels bordering a district of 4 slick office parks.
Its 3 pedestrianized main drag is lined with modern art and hotels bordering a district of 4 slick office parks.