The part of execution in which an operand or instruction is read from main storage and written into a control unit or arithmetic unit register.
The third part of the main emphasis on the second part of the risk control can also be said to be a system build.
Control of the hardware design part of the main controller, sensors and motor control circuits.
This part follows cost-return principle, analyzes the factors of trade credit cost and their variance trend, bring forward the main measures in export corporation credit cost control.
As the main part of the photoelectric tracking equipment, the tracking precision of the photoelectric tracking control system is a primary index measuring photoelectric tracking equipments.
Control plan, procedure flowchart and part of main procedure are introduced.
FIS is the colligate manage and control system of fire protection, the electric map system is its important part, and one of the main function.
The first part of the thesis describes the design and realized scheme of the systematic hardware. It is divided into the designs of control loop and main loop.
In this paper, the working procedure Confirmation of Control Variable and Selection of Main Components and Part of Design Schematic of tread cutting system are expressed in detail.
Computerized flat knitter is always the main device in the manufacture of knitted sweater, whose core part is its control system.
It is an important part of suspension bridge construction control to calculate the anchorage force of the main cable wire strands.
That part of a control program that is resident in main storage.
The inspection and repair methods of trouble diagnosis, main part for the cruise control system of Chrysler minivan are introduced.
Article the fourth part control to main developed country tax revenue basic experience of loss draw lessons from.
The linear foot switch, which is the main control part of cataract ultrasonic emulsification system, has important effect on the overall performance of the system.
The structure, control principle and main part design features are introduced for precision rolling machine of the tapered bearing ring.
Process Control Systems' Integration Platform (PCS-IP) is the main part of PCS-IF.
过程控制系统集成平台(PCS - IP)是PCS - IF的主要部分。
In the third part, it analyzes main structure of paper machine control system and has further statement every part of them.
Urban growth simulation has a very important significance for rational adjustment and control of urban System, and Residental spatial growth is a main part of urban spatial growth.
Discussed is design of circuit of fore alarm and accident alarm with ruptured diaphragms -main part of crushed materials diaphragm pump by control core PLC.
This system consists of two main parts, which are remote control center and mud-logging data collection part.
The traffic signal is setup at the merging part between the main road and the on-ramp so that it can control the vehicles of both roads.
Control part of the main chain of the transmitter sends out pulses of frequency, duty cycle and sparse modulation and counting and detection distance control.
The Intellectual Control System of Flash Butt Welding, the main and basic part of the Flash butt welding machine, is the basic to realize the automation of the welding process.
The part on hardware consists of the main control circuit, environment data collecting, temperature measurement and alarm circuit, and power control circuit, etc.
The part on hardware consists of the main control circuit, environment data collecting, temperature measurement and alarm circuit, and power control circuit, etc.