Take compressor's intercooler for example, main reasons of failure is analyzed.
The main reasons of failure included unreasonable dining-kitchen ratio and arrangement of back court, mixing of cooked and uncooked food, and unsatisfactory food quality.
The results shown that the rupture is caused by corrosion fatigue. The main reasons of failure of main vapour tube are unqualified valve material and unreasonable welded construction.
It is discovered that secondary caries and losing of retention are the main reasons for the failure of fixed prostheses.
Conclusion the main reasons of the high measles incidence in 2003 in Luoyang were the low inoculation rate and failure immunization.
The large ground displacement caused by seismic liquefaction is one of the main reasons which induce the failure of engineering structures.
According to the analysis for failure reasons of vertical shaft wall in Linhuan Coal Mine, its main reason is longitudinal load produced by negative frictional force.
Some of these companies have excellent training programs that help people get over their fear of failure and rejection, which are the main reasons people are unsuccessful.
One of the main reasons of the failure on main shaft bearing of aviation engine is the damage of cage.
The main reasons for the failure of operation were retinal detachment and maculopathy.
The main reasons for alliance failure can be attributed to selecting wrong partner, lacking of trust, forming unsuitable governance structure, no effective matrix to evaluate performance.
The radiation damage induced-by energetic particles and photons is one of the main reasons of degradation or even failure of electronic systems in man-made and space radiation environment.
The corrosion of the ropes and unbalance of thetensions among the hoisting ropes are the main reasons causing failure of ropes.
However, ultrafiltration failure and repeat peritoneal infection are the main reasons for the dropout of CAPD patients.
Negative externalities are one of the main reasons for market failure.
With water_injection, creep and gliding of a mud_rock layer are main reasons for casing failure.
The contamination on contact surfaces was found to be one of the main reasons to cause electric contact failure by analyzing lots of gold plated contacts in failed mobile phones.
The study about board level drop impact shows that: (1) The mechanical impact and bending of PCB are the main reasons which induce the solder joint stress even the drop failure;
The main reasons for the failure of thread pair during fitting process is analyzed in this paper. Thus the fitting quality of bolt and nut can been increased.
I think the failure of Chinese New Year's movies is for two main reasons: lack of creation and low quality of production.
The forth part is focus of this paper, the main content is to analysis those examples of the third part, including some successful reasons and failure lessons.
The main reasons of the failure attribute to the unqualified asphalt concrete, unscientific construction technology and not strictly construction quality control, resulting in the quality hidden.
The main reasons for the failure of operation were retinal detachment and maculopathy. · CONCLUSION: These results demonstrated that vitrectomy is generally an effective procedure in treating PDR.
The results show that oxide inclusion in grain boundary and structure defects from casting and forging process are the main reasons for failure of the copper sleeve.
The results show that: the main reasons for the platen superheater tube failure are the inter-action results of long-time over temperature and short-time over temperature.
Life will not be easy as when you were employees, at least in the initial period after that is the case…Many owners of the main reasons for the failure of corporate governance is poor.
One of the main reasons of the failure on main shaft bearing of aviation engine is the damage of cage.
One of the main reasons of the failure on main shaft bearing of aviation engine is the damage of cage.