File capabilities are currently implemented in the -mm kernel tree, and are expected in the mainline kernel by 2.6.24.
Many words have been said about the relationship between the Android project and the mainline kernel development community.
This year (2009), the NiLFS (2) file system entered the mainline kernel and can be enabled simply by installing its loadable module.
The OpenWrt distribution makes the distinction between two kind of kernel modules, those coming along with the mainline kernel, and the others available as a separate project.
Finally, Ceph is open source distributed storage and part of the mainline Linux kernel (2.6.34).
Although Ceph is now integrated into the mainline Linux kernel, it's properly noted there as experimental.
Native Kernel AIO support is included in the mainline 2.6 kernel.
主流 2.6内核中包括了对本地KernelAIO 的支持。
The file system is under very active development, having recently entered the mainline Linux kernel (in addition to the NetBSD kernel).
The Linux KVM is the first virtualization technology that has been integrated into the mainline Linux kernel.
LinuxKVM是第一个集成到主流 Linux内核中的虚拟化技术。
The introduction of the KVM is an interesting evolution of Linux, as it represents the first virtualization technology that is part of the mainline Linux kernel.
K VM的引入是Linux的一个有趣革新,因为它代表了作为主流Linux内核一部分的第一个虚拟化技术。
ReiserFS was introduced in 2001 in the mainline 2.4 kernel (the first journaling file system to be adopted by Linux).
ReiserFS was introduced in 2001 in the mainline 2.4 kernel (the first journaling file system to be adopted by Linux).