Only Brazil and South Africa among major emerging economies have significant real rates; many are negative.
China and other major emerging economies are now full participants, alongside the major financial centers, in this critical institution for cooperation.
These are real gains and would demonstrate the capability of developed and major emerging economies to compromise to achieve a mutual and systemic interest.
Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda says the leaders discussed that goal with leaders from major emerging economies, Wednesday, including China, India and Brazil.
But, Thursday's talks were expanded from the G8 group to include the so-called G5 nations of major emerging economies - China, India, Brazil, South Africa and Mexico.
We're not looking for a mechanism in which we would have an obligation to reduce emissions of a legal form and the major emerging economies would have a voluntary program, "said Pershing."
The World Bank says six major emerging economies — Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, South Korea, and Russia — will account for more than half of all global economic growth between now and 2025.
Pandemic influenza and other emerging epidemic diseases present a major threat to life, economies and security in an increasingly globalized world.
Unemployment in major advanced economies remains high, while emerging economies are facing upward inflationary pressure.
Unemployment is running high in major developed economies and inflationary pressure is building up in emerging economies.
It is triggering enormous spreads on risky assets, a credit crunch in advanced economies, and major capital outflows from emerging countries.
CHRISTINE LAGARDE is continuing her charm offensive to win support from the major emerging-market economies for her candidacy to lead the IMF.
Their strong, emerging economies are expected to play a major role in meeting food security needs.
The Financial Stability Forum (FSF) must expand urgently to a broader membership of emerging economies, and other major standard setting bodies should promptly review their membership.
IMF officials say there is still a threat from inflation, which has become a big concern for both major industrial powers and emerging economies.
The major attraction of emerging economies is their rapidly increasing demand for consumer goods and the high economic growth.
The unemployment rate remains high in the major developed economies, and they lack impetus for growth. Emerging economies face the dual pressures of inflation and slowing economic growth.
We have a forthcoming report on digital consumers in all major emerging markets [Brazil, Russia, India, China and Indonesia - the BRICI economies].
We have a forthcoming report on digital consumers in all major emerging markets [Brazil, Russia, India, China and Indonesia - the BRICI economies].