That guy won't be able to win the election unless he gets some majority vote from women students.
If jurors cannot reach a unanimous verdict on their first vote, they must hear the views of the presiding judge, after which they may decide by simple majority.
The tax proposals received between 76 and 100 percent of the vote in both houses, including the votes of a majority of Republican lawmakers.
A majority of lawmakers in the lower house refused to vote. It appeared Mister Berlusconi had lost their support.
Their resolution to change the rules, put forward earlier this month, could, they contend, be approved by a simple majority vote.
The Diet will vote for a new prime minister on Tuesday, and Fukuda is expected to win because the LDP controls a stable majority in the Lower House.
Senatorsmay approve bills that have been adopted, or recommended by theGeneral assembly, and advisory Council with a 55% majority vote, andmay approve the annual federal budget with a 52% majority.
Reagan even won a majority of the female vote.
Mark Penn said that if I spent the last days of the campaign doing that, instead of going to the larger states, I might not get a majority of the vote, for several reasons.
And they fear a "tax tipping-point", when a majority of Americans pay little or no taxes and discover that they can vote themselves goodies paid for by others.
Republicans hold a 19-14 majority in the state Senate, but they need at least one Democrat to be present before taking a vote on the bill.
A majority of the delegates refused to vote for secession.
The overwhelming majority of never-married, divorced and widowed women already support Kerry, but they have been one of the demographic groups least likely to vote.
But with every passing year, pro-whaling nations have been gaining ground: last year, for the first time, they persuaded a narrow majority to vote for a resumption of whaling.
At the moment, the best guess is that a huge majority of southerners will vote for their own state when they get the chance.
Pheu Thai won a majority of the national vote, with a high turnout, securing 265 of the Parliament's 500 seats.
You don't have to drink or take drugs because others are doing it, but go with the majority vote on the favorite cartoon.
The vote was 50-49, short of the super-majority of 60 required to pass.
Ignoring the industrial slavery in Athens, the vast majority of the Athenian population was not involved in the voting process and even those who did vote were influenced or coerced at times.
Procedural matters may bedecided with a simple majority vote.
OK. Majority vote seems to be for differentials, but it doesn't mean that it is better.
And if we had a vote now, the majority would agree to destroy it. We said we don't want any risk of this virus escaping and getting started again.
The prize awarding institutions then select the laureates by a majority vote.
Proponents look sure to get support from the eight member states required, although getting it past a qualified majority vote will be tougher.
Proponents look sure to get support from the eight member states required, although getting it past a qualified majority vote will be tougher.