Neither one of the couple is willing to make a compromise.
In real life, it's nothing harmful to make a compromise and readily accept others' opinions.
In view of the present market situation, we agree to make a compromise by allow you a 7% commission.
With recession of U. S. economy, Disney may make a compromise on price. It is good for negotiation, "an insider said."
Well, it's a bit hard to fix up a time which will suit both of us, Let's make a compromise. Are you available tomorrow afternoon?
There really is no sign that Iran trusts the P5 + 1 [nations], or is willing to make the kind of concessions that would make a compromise possible.
Well, it's really difficult to fix up a time which will suit both of us, Let's make a compromise. Will tomorrow afternoon be all right for you?
Doing it this way is a reasonable compromise, since using child elements for every point or handle that defines a curve would make SVG even more verbose.
Eventually they will have to find a compromise; though, alas, few of their clashing solutions currently make sense.
With such a partner, the people of Israel will be prepared to make a far reaching compromise. I will be prepared to make a far reaching compromise.
This was a very difficult compromise to make, but posts are more important than email responses. It's as simple as that.
This is probably a compromise PBS had to make in order to be allowed to put these shows up on the Internet in the first place.
Initially, Dr Kelley wanted to make a more radical change to the school's timetable, pushing back the start time by two hours to 11am but a compromise was found to start at 10am.
To attain it, though, you must make a great effort and a great compromise too.
SaaS application architectures which force you to make decisions that lock you into a particular technology stack will compromise the ability of a SaaS application to evolve and adapt.
They are awakening to the potential that exists to make a clean start, and have no desire to accept any form of compromise.
Even though, the compromise men make on the looks of women is probably less than a half of the compromise women make on men's.
This is a cultural compromise to make consumers happy. At the same time, they are turning the food into something less Chinese and more American.
Mental disorders may compromise sufferers' capacity to understand the information presented and their ability to make a reasoned decision about participating in clinical research.
To make the compromise between the robustness and the imperceptivity, a new 3-d HVS model is reconstructed and used to adjust the embedding strength.
One contractor working in Fujian Province, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retribution, said in an interview that he was forced to compromise on building materials in order to make a profit.
We have to make some indispensable compromise in order to survive in such a emulous industry.
It is emphasized that the main content of ecological optimization criterion of a refrigerator is to make the best compromise between the refrigeration rate and its dissipation.
And that would often actually the right answer to take, is to not just compromise among your advisers, but use your own principles to make a decision.
Offering tools is a compromise with complexity, but we can still do a lot to make tool selection and manipulation easy and to prevent it from disturbing flow.
He wants to make a living playing music, but he doesn't want to compromise his integrity by writing songs that he knows will sell.
He wants to make a living playing music, but he doesn't want to compromise his integrity by writing songs that he knows will sell.