If you normally smoke after meals, make it a point to do something else after you eat, like read or call a friend.
If you can successfully make a point in a dozen words, challenge yourself to do it in nine or ten.
And in the midst of Depression 2.0, do you really want to lose a steady job just to make a point?
And the best thing, from Mr McCain's point of view, is that he would not need to make any of these charges himself, because a legion of freelance Hillary-haters would do it for him.
Such campaigns seem to prompt them to have a clear-out but they often do not make it to the collection point.
Start to notice what’s great about you, what you do well, or how wonderful you are, and make a point of acknowledging yourself and these strengths on a regular basis.
At this point, it's a good idea to do a quick sanity check to make sure you've set up the build path properly.
Without knowing your break-even point, you'll never know just what you have to do to make a profit.
Let the discussion and examples in Seamless JSF serve as a starting point for learning even more about what Seam can do to make your JSF projects a pleasure to create.
Kuo discovered that compasses do not point true north but to the magnetic North Pole. This was a decisive step to make them useful for navigation.
What you have to do is make it a point going in to whatever you are doing?
As a foreigner live in abroad, what is the key point do you think to make your life well.
It's a discipline to make yourself stop, and it's hard sometimes because everything is at our fingertips and at any moment, at any given point during the day, you can do 500 million things.
When they introduce you to someone, they make a point of saying what you do or mentioning your passion.
I hear people say: "Sure, I can see your point about telling stories…but do I really need to make the effort to become a storyteller myself?"
Core ability that make a point of the oneself, think that the consumer thinks, making other people did not do, braving to set up, gooding command of the publicity.
We are all called upon to make a speech at some point in life, but most of us don't do a very good job.
Clutch begins to point to now calculate, oneself do not cross interfuse this industry 2 months are bit more, make a station was met probably, just be skilled problem.
The answer to "What did you do wrong" creates a mental picture or re-run of the errors performed to the point where the mind can only see how to make an error or lose a tennis match.
Make it a point to do something every day that you wont to do. This is a golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain.
I don't mean a game for soloing (which you CAN do, but that's not my point.) I mean that they are working very hard to make the gameplay experience itself as fun and deep as a single-player game.
While it's easy to do if you're trying to make a point or explain something, try not to touch other people's screens and definitely don't touch any screen if you've got dirty fingers.
According to some documents concerned, that scientific research workers make a concerted effort with people concerned is the key point to do the work well;
According to some documents concerned, that scientific research workers make a concerted effort with people concerned is the key point to do the work well;