A better approach is to state your feelings and make a request that your partner can accept, modify, or say no to, without fearing it is a test of love.
Every time you get a new user or someone interacts with your application, the Facebook servers make a request that hits your server, so plan for that.
If the person is not adding value, but instead merely checking the request and doing things that could be automated, the time and costs savings make this process improvement a must.
You can also change filenames when you version them so that new URLs are requested when a new version is released, and the browser has to make a new request.
The code shown so far demonstrated all the components that make up a complete HTTP request.
After a business mashup is deployed, you can use the Create business mashup widget in Composer to make a new request, or to complete the tasks that are assigned to you.
在部署了一个业务mashup后,就可以使用在Composer内创建Business mashup小部件来进行一个新的请求或完成分配给您的任务。
That link causes the browser to make a GET request with two parameters: the action parameter and the edit-URI of the resource.
这个链接使浏览器中的请求有两个参数:action参数和资源的edit - URI。
Access time: This category is the maximum time that a Web service can access another Web service or entity to make the request or publish the notification.
Identity provider or IdP based on a request of some sort from a relying party A.K.A. Service provider or SP, and they contain statements that service providers use to make access control decisions.
We first make sure we are dealing with a GET request (ETag in conjunction with PUT can be used to detect conflicting updates, but that is beyond the scope of this article.).
The reason for this (as mentioned earlier) is that with raw sockets you need to establish a new connection for every request that you make to the server.
If you get a "friend" request from an old flame, talk with your spouse about whether you should reply and how that will make your spouse feel.
For example, if you know that a software change request from marketing will make a piece of software used in sales obsolete, then you need to explain that in those simple terms.
What you can do, just once, is to make a polite request for another to stop the behavior that you find frustrating, annoying or disturbing.
Since a resource cached by the edge server is returned in the next request, it is very important to make sure the cached data represents the correct content of that resource.
To make sure that not only did the server finish with a request but that it also reported an OK status, add an additional check in your callback function as shown in Listing 7.
为了确保服务器不但完成了一个请求,而且还报告了一个OK状态,请在您的回调函数中添加另外一个检查功能,如 清单 7 所示。
Because CORBA is language independent, it relies on an interface definition language (IDL) to express how clients will make a request to the service that implements the interface.
Also, to make a resource request cacheable, you need to explicitly set the cache control information on the response so that the portal can generate caching headers.
"So make it easy for him or her. Answer that catchall request, 'Tell me about yourself", by talking about why you're a great fit for this job.
Now that we know a little about what the request is intended to do, we need to make sure that it's allowed to do it.
You don't want to make a special request to the IT department to run a report that will appear in a day or two, that's for sure.
It is said that the cake takes about 72-hours to make. However, the cake is usually only made per request: usually for a wedding, celebration, or for a sultan himself.
Therefore, before a request is sent, make sure that the username and password are set correctly in the HTTP request head.
The basic sequence is that a server (application) is started, which waits for the client to make a request.
So, when you're getting ready to make a request, imagine that you're doing so on behalf of your team or a colleague.
The operations that make up an interface of a state machine may be of either the one-way or request-response type.
构成状态机接口的操作必须是请求-响应 类型。
Using GET as the request method also makes it possible to derive a URL that always points to the most recent search results-a fact I'll make use of shortly!
In these cases, the first time you make a collection, you issue a query against the MBeanServerConnection and request a list of all the MBeans that match the supplied pattern.
Specifically, what if the request you make is to a RESTful Web service, and the response contains XML that you'd like to parse?
Consider also that the specification of a ReplyToQueue is one of the two necessary properties that make the request to the broker synchronous.