If you want to make a TV show, make a video. If you want to write a book, write it and self-publish.
This kind of game can make a good TV show but it doesn’t solve the real underlying problems.
Get up because you need to get stuff done, but make sure you also give yourself a little motivational rewards, whether it be allotted time for a TV show, or a nice brisk walk.
Let's make a one week TV show.
Kaley Cuoco, star of the hit TV show "the Big Bang Theory" and a life-long animal lover, was inspired by a painful accident to make beautiful music for homeless animals.
Meanwhile, insider reports, to make this a program of advantage, forming irreplaceable in its alliance hunan TV specially platform, qinghai TV, transfer a lot of prime-time broadcast the show.
Thee cinematic adaptation of a hugely popular Chinese reality TV show on comedians will make its mainland debut on Jan 28, the first day of the Spring Festival next year.
该电影改编自国内一档同名喜剧真人秀节目《 《 欢乐喜剧人》,国内有众多喜剧明星加盟,将在明年春节期间——1月28日,在内地正式上映。
Carol Mendolson, a producer of the U. S. TV crime show CSI, said she was preparing to make a two-hour CSI TV movie set in Paris, the Daily Telegraph reported.
Carol Mendolson, a producer of the U. S. TV crime show CSI, said she was preparing to make a two-hour CSI TV movie set in Paris, the Daily Telegraph reported.