A single letter can make a world of difference.
Working together, we can make a world of difference.
Just a couple of days-it would make a world of difference.
Make films. Draw. Write. It'll make a world of difference.
Just a couple of days, it would make a world of difference.
What you do from here will make a world of difference in the long run.
So apply the same rule to your little one and it will make a world of difference.
Concerned parenting and effective teaching make a world of difference for kids with ADHD.
Show a little Love and Compassion, because even little things can make a world of difference.
Researching the questions visitors have and answering them effectively can make a world of difference.
Simple interface upgrades like these can make a world of difference in the usability of your application.
Sometimes just talking about things without being judged can make a world of difference to someone's day.
It's not exceedingly difficult to do, and yet I think it's something that would make a world of difference in anyone's life.
When people of different cultures get together they sometimes feel shy or awkward. These sentences can make a world of difference.
Being able to differentiate between needs versus wants can make a world of difference between average service results and outstanding service results.
It may take a while before you get a satisfactory response, but you will eventually be heard and understood - and that will make a world of difference.
Pass It on - Teach children by embracing small ACTS of kindness. Let them experience first-hand from you on how to make a difference in the world.
传递下去- - -通过微小的善举来教导孩子,让他们从你这里体会最新鲜的经历,让他们了解怎么在这个世界做出改变。
This may not make much of a difference in the real world, since most XML tools and processes manage namespace declarations automatically.
However if you could change your work and spend the rest of your life doing work you truly enjoy and which will make a difference to the world, what would you do?
You can make a difference in the world and create some good karma for yourself in the short, often forgotten, free moments of your day or week.
Even when technologies have the potential to make a difference, deployment in the developing world often stumbles for lack of infrastructure.
Movies make a difference in how we see the world and how we see certain groups of people.
We all have much to learn from the great programs and projects running all over the world. Now is the time to make heroes of individuals and organizations that use sport to really make a difference.
You see, how many of you here would like to make a major difference in the world?
There are many things in this world that are out of our control and where we may feel helpless to make a difference.
Instead of trying to be efficient, think about being efficient. How can you make a difference in the world? What would you really love to do with your life?
One person without help from anyone else can't do much to make a sizable difference in this crazy world - or to overcome all of the various forms of repression that exist today.
One person without help from anyone else can't do much to make a sizable difference in this crazy world - or to overcome all of the various forms of repression that exist today.