My husband and I are deeply grateful for the sacrifices that these families make to protect all American families.
America, China and Russia must all make sacrifices to stop a nuclear arms race in Asia and the Middle east.
Childless women just aren't willing to make the sacrifices they now see are necessary for motherhood with 44 percent feeling sorry for working mums struggling to have it all, the survey said.
Childless women just aren't willing to make the sacrifices they now see are necessary for motherhood with 44 percent feeling sorry for working mums struggling to have it all, the survey said.
I would make many sacrifices to go all the way in the Champions League, as this is a very special competition for me.
I am moved by all the sacrifices you make for me.
This is a moment in which we all must make some sacrifices, but we must remain united.
Living in Beijing is a real blessing, since all other places have to make sacrifices to ensure Beijing's water and electricity supply.
Living in Beijing is a real blessing, since all other places have to make sacrifices to ensure Beijing's water and electricity supply.