Get recommendations, do research, make phone calls, pick up prescriptions, accompany your sweetheart to an appointment, give reminders, track symptoms... whatever is appropriate.
You'd better make a phone call first to make an appointment.
Patients receive a mobile phone message telling them how they are doing. If their blood pressure is too high, they are advised to make an appointment with their doctor.
To avoid wasting your time, you must make an appointment by phone before your arrival. We can assign a teacher to have a face-to-face communication.
And you only need to make an appointment DAY AHEAD via E-mail or Phone.
The validity of your passport must exceed three months after departure from the Schengen territory, otherwise you can not make an appointment (also not by phone).
Before you ever walk in the door , or make an appointment for an interview over the phone, the Director of Personnel has already formed and opinion about you .
To arrange this please contact one of our team by phone or email and we will be happy to make an appointment for you or visit you at your workplace.
To arrange this please contact one of our team by phone or email and we will be happy to make an appointment for you or visit you at your workplace.