He points out that both Hong Kong and Zurich have managed to make a success of their rail systems, heavy and light respectively, though there are few cities in the world as hilly.
They are increasingly popular abroad and starting to make their way into museum exhibitions—though in Japan itself they are still given short shrift as an art form.
It has the genes with which to make its own ribosomes, though, and as time goes by it will do so, diluting out the legacy that got it started.
With this feature, you can make each virtual user appear as though it is running on its own host.
To be safe, namespace all ID attributes, even though doing this can make your code difficult to read, as you can see in Listing 5.
The reactions from employers, men I date, and (former) friends make me feel as though I have a skeleton to hide.
I felt keenly for the poor body-starved theory-burdened soul, and though I was under no delusion as to the assistance I got in my Latin, I could not make up my mind to get rid of him.
My mother worked with me constantly, reminding me to look ahead as I walked and to make eye contact, even though I found it painful.
Though lithium currently fetches very little on the open market, other components in lithium-ion batteries, such as nickel and cobalt, will make the batteries far too valuable to send to the landfill.
As the profits from cattle dropped, though, the ranchers realized they could make more money through jaguar-themed tourism.
He believes that most women already try to make their offices as homey as possible — and that even though men seem to be satisfied with plain, undecorated rooms, they appreciate office style, too.
We fell asleep clinging tightly to each other, as though in our dreams we could make it all better.
As you've probably experienced in your own life, though, simply having more doesn't tend to make you any happier.
It is not as though publishers can make up the difference by taking their wares online.
Do make sure you can cook, though, as people are unlikely to confuse food poisoning with love.
In fact, though worlds away from us as a species, some female Wolf spiders also make their mating choices on the basis of familiarity.
Piers Steel defines procrastination as willingly deferring something even though you expect the delay to make you worse off.
High levels of chemicals called alkyl-methoxypyrazines can make wines taste as though the fruit from which they were made was under-ripe or low-quality.
This is how well we make others feel as though we've connected with them.
Though surprising when it appears, Mr Vann's ending is, on reflection, so obvious as to make the reader wonder why he never saw it coming.
Neither seemed to be in any hurry, and both walked slowly, as though each of them feared by too much haste to make his partner redouble his pace.
It looks as though the Federal Communications Commission may yet have to step in if the industry as a whole is to make its long-overdue leap into the present.
As you go though your daily life, keep an eye out for the ways in which you can make a difference, however great or small.
Monsanto ACTS as though accurately labeling products would make them the victim of some irrational cultural bias.
Infinity pools are designed to make it seem as though the water extends to the horizon. In reality, the edge of the pool is usually about an inch below the water level.
If you make extensions to ATOM, you can address those properties though the collection as well.
Place your reader in that setting. Make your reader feel as though he or she is there and experiencing what you experienced.
Remember, though, that most of the active principles that make herbs useful as health-maintaining or therapeutic teas are much less stable when they are dissolved in water than in their dried form.
Remember, though, that most of the active principles that make herbs useful as health-maintaining or therapeutic teas are much less stable when they are dissolved in water than in their dried form.