He often encouraged himself by saying "If I keep on trying, I'll make even greater progress."
Conditions could exist that would make even that concentration unimportant.
And rising bills are enough to make even the most bath-fond switch to showers.
He is convinced that Cambodia will make even greater achievements in the future.
Using words like 'datum' and 'subfocal' can make even the most mundane words sound erudite.
datum'和'subfocal '的使用甚至可以最平淡的词语变得富有学问。
You make even the smallest incident seem so interesting (important) (charming) (mysterious).
You know, Japanese chocolate companies actually invented a holiday to make even more money.
Good genes can make even a cow worth a million dollars, assuming you can milk that out of a buyer.
If Hudson could find a secret shortcut to Asia, the Company thought, they would make even more profits.
Expanding social safety nets can make even poor citizens less dependent on traditional powerful patrons.
Zuma added: "Guns make even the lousiest cowards feel like heroes and there are just too many of them around."
“If we miss this opportunity, then we may have to make even more efforts further down the road, ” he said.
Given that it's pretty hard to make even a ten-minute continuous scene, Sokurov's achievement is truly heroic.
Making amends is a big step, andskipping it will make even the most profound apology seem empty and forced.
Once the handler is set up, you can make even simpler SOAP calls to add an entry to the software repository.
But the best answer to the terrorists is to dream bigger, make even more money, and visit Mumbai more than ever.
I am getting better at accepting the decisions I make even if they are suboptimal or not the absolute best in hindsight.
All this can make even the best sunscreen less effective than the SPF number on the bottle would lead you to believe.
If America needs to work harder to encourage entrepreneurs, the rest of the world has to make even more of an effort.
Mrs. Clinton said she was trying to make even starker the choice Iran faced if it did not agree to abandon its program.
Reading in the Brain by Stanislas Dehaene didn't make even that cut, though it was probably my favourite science read of 2009.
He expressed the belief that with their joint efforts, Sino-Finnish trade and economic cooperation would make even greater progress.
Of course, self-disclosure can make even old friends more vulnerable, so go slowly:Confiding can open new doors, but only it we knock first.
Now we have the opportunity to use graphene to make even lighter and stronger carbon fibres and so make our aircraft even lighter and stronger.
In these circumstances I am not anxious to make even a showing of courage; my one thought is to get away as rapidly and safely as possible.
This dog would make even a dog like that slink nonchalantly be? Hind the sofa and pretend to be extremely preoccupied with its rubber bone.
One Harvard MBA told the session how making money did not make her happy, but created stress to make even more - until she quit the rat race.
One Harvard MBA told the session how making money did not make her happy, but created stress to make even more - until she quit the rat race.