This book teaches us all a very valuable lesson about life, it happens but it's how you choose to react to it that can break you or make you stronger.
Rather, in my humble opinion, it is the circumstances that make or break an individual's reaction to a situation when it demands total truthfulness in all forms of it.
Now you've got to face that make-it-or-break-it personal appearance with your potential new employer.
We make it a problem because we can't get enough of it, or because we feel guilty at having got it, or because in getting it we break the rules which society has laid down.
It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company, a church, and a home.
It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company, a church, and a home.
Will it continue to carry the baggage of history, or will it make a clean break with past aggression. Ultimately, the choice is Japan's.
Will it continue to carry the baggage of history, or will it make a clean break with past aggression. Ultimately, the choice is Japan's.