Shake that shit and make it rain!
It said, the cloud dragger can make it rain.
If he could make it rain, it would have rained long ago.
"Lord, you gave me my wish because you didn't make it rain," she says, clamping her hands together and looking up at the heavens.
Apparently the effects of jet planes punching through clouds are similar to "cloud seeding" operations, where ice crystals are created in the atmosphere to make it rain.
This higher rate seems to make wet regions more sodden, and arid ones drier. It brings longer droughts between more intense periods of rain.
Or, "Make sure you wear your jacket because it looks like it's going to rain".
East of Australia, people talk about a "rain of blood". This is caused by a tornado picking up red dust and mixing it with water to make red rain.
As the pavilions are covered, we should set in case of rain — although it may make cooking interesting.
Photo Tip: Rain can damage or ruin your camera, but it can also make for great pictures.
Do not have your cloak to make when it begins to rain.
That afternoon they make a line down the middle of their tree house. It begins to rain.
Word has it that China's weather forecasters expect rain in the next few days, but they are too skittish to make an official prediction.
What we can not do is make a cloud produce rain if it is not ready to produce it.
I will make it a wasteland, neither pruned nor cultivated, and briers and thorns will grow there. I will command the clouds not to rain on it.
You back to transcend barriers of society to appreciate the sky, the sun, the earth with the rain - it is they who created you, go Thanksgiving all people - they make this world more vibrant.
They got lost in the forest. To make things worse, it began to rain.
He noticed my voice sounded a little discouraged and said he would pray for rain, because I have always been a good driver when it is wet and raining and would then make it to the podium.
It required only a rich winter of rain to make it break forth in grass and flowers.
To make matters worse, it started to rain again.
If you want the rainbow, you've got to put up with the rain. You see it takes courage and strength to keep going toward your goal each time you fail. Failing should make us better not bitter.
It started to rain, and to make matters worse, I forgot to bring an umbrella.
What we can not do is make a cloud produce rain if it is not ready to produce it.
What we can not do is make a cloud produce rain if it is not ready to produce it.