The more sinister explanation is that he is about to make mischief in the Middle East again.
That is more than enough time to divert nuclear material and make mischief with it.
There is, however, "a fly in the ointment", Mr Prasad says. Even if it has these indirect pay-offs, foreign capital can also make mischief in countries that are not ready for it.
They wear a subtle, almost undetectable smirk that makes you think they’re about to make some kind of mischief.
When the locals decide that subjugation is a death sentence and that freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose, they can make enough mischief to drive the colonials out.
Make it …Innocent mischief is good.
Such concepts make all sorts of mischief because we tend to try to fit them without allowing ourselves the very different process of getting there.
Many monkeys make much mischief.
The result is that they make mistakes, big and small, and here again it is subjectivism and one-sidedness that are doing the mischief.
Well, don't cry, 'replied Catherine, contemptuously,' you're not killed. Don't make more mischief; my brother is coming: be quiet! Give over, Isabella! Has anybody hurt you? '?
There are enough prosecutions to indicate that mischief-making goes on, but not enough to make enforcement appear credible.
There are enough prosecutions to indicate that mischief-making goes on, but not enough to make enforcement appear credible.