Yet when I write a poem I am trying to make sense out of life.
His Wife is the only one who can make sense out of his terrible handwriting.
This makes it hard to conduct a full check and make sense out of the results.
Xiaohong himself is the only one who can make sense out of his terrible handwriting.
You must be able to make sense out of the complexity of the world to put your business on the offensive.
That’s 4 times a minute your brain is trying to switch gears and make sense out of a new set of visual (and auditory) stimuli.
That's 4 times a minute your brain is trying to switch gears and make sense out of a new set of visual (and auditory) stimuli.
You should try to make sense out of the world in a way that would matter to us, and if we are lucky, would matter to other people.
But your job was not to give up, to keep on trying to make sense out of them anyway, trying to understand things that could never be understood.
The visitor couldn't make sense out of this, so the disciple made it clearer: "If the Master were to teach, we would make beliefs out of his teachings.
拜访者迷惑了,弟子更清楚地解释道:“如果师傅讲学的话,我们可以从他的讲学之外获益。 师傅关心的不是我们所相信的--而是我们所看到的。”
Regarding Schopenhauer's rejection of suicide - not because it's wrong but because it's pointless - he exclaims, "Who can make sense out of these arguments?"
Semantic interoperability really is just a form of order that we put around our world so we can control the chaos and make sense out of pervasive and ever-growing information.
Even without knowing any Ruby — or anything about object-oriented programming — I bet you can make sense out of the following code examples, which are pieces of actual Ruby on Rails code.
即使不知道任何Ruby或任何物件导向语言,我打赌你也可以对下列的程序码范例有感觉,以下是实际的Rubyon Rails程序码。
In this kind of literature, they can make sense strictly out of a sort of fabular logic.
To find out how we make sense of unfamiliar inflections, psychologists spoke to volunteers in an accent they'd invented.
Our goal is to ensure that they leave with a better sense of how to make things than when they arrived, and the deep internal realization that you can figure things out by fooling around.
I tried to make out his sense without the help of the compiler's notes, jotting down in my own note book all the more obscure words with their context as many times as they occurred.
Figure out actions you can take that make sense irrespective of which scenario plays out.
If you were to give it up in a mood of self-sacrifice or out of a stern sense of duty, you would continue to want it back, and that unsatisfied want would make trouble for you.
Don't make them struggle to get answers out of you or make sense of your rambling replies.
But Mr Duncan has vigorously argued that it does not make sense "to take kids out of a school where they're happy and safe and satisfied and learning".
I can imagine wanting to spend time with him and I think from Ellie's point of view it would make sense for her not to have too long out of the office.
Before this it was thought that babies looked out onto a chaotic world of which they could make little sense.
Doing this on paper helps sort out feelings and make sense of things.
Doing this on paper helps sort out feelings and make sense of things.