Before you accept any old name, make sure you are happy with its sound, its meaning and its associations.
Before you part with your hard-earned cash, make sure that you are happy that you are getting value for money.
Maria: I'd be happy to open the window while you are away. I'll make sure to close it before you return.
They will be so pleased that you are trying to be different that you can be sure that they will do everything they can to make you happy.
You frame it that way: 'we're so happy that things are going so well. We want to make sure to keep it that way.
I was told by my doctor that the best way to make sure that your kids are happy is to make sure that you are happy.
Are you SURE that's what you want?... If I can show you how to lose 20 pounds REALLY fast, will that make you happy?
Follow these simple steps and you are sure to make your woman very happy.
Our sole purpose is to make sure that you are happy.
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When you have a customer paying $40000 a year you are going to go a lot farther to make sure they are happy" said Brain Kelly of U."
When you have a customer paying $40000 a year you are going to go a lot farther to make sure they are happy" said Brain Kelly of U."