While reading a recent conversation on Facebook between two family members, I caught sight of these words: "You have time for whatever you make time for."
The boost in investor confidence needed for the plan to work will take time—time that Rosen says still requires him to buy food and make monthly mortgage payments.
They need time for people to make referrals, and time to collect them.
And if we know how we're spending our time now, we can make conscious decisions to change how we spend our time in the future. For computer-based time tracking, try Rescue time.
The stakeholder can recognize the time required for a service to make a service available to the organization and the time to download the document as long as the service isn't interrupted.
Make time for friends, family and your partner. If you're working too much, you're probably sacrificing time with friends, family and your life partner.
Berman advised, "make a point to make time for one another, turn off the TV, the BlackBerry.".. turn off your computer, have face-to-face time with each other.
You may already know what truly matters in your life - but are finding it difficult to make time for it, and to focus on it. Here are some tips to help you make time for what truly matters.
Most of the time I have a great idea while listening to a song for the 900th time in a day, decide to make a poster about it and then email it to the musician.
While reading a recent conversation on Facebook between two family members, I caught sight of these words: “You have time for whatever you MAKE time for”.
I had thought, if anything, that they would ask me to do more hours, put in more time, to make up for her (I work part-time).
You can't be a perfect parent, build an amazing career, make tons of money, spend a lot of time with your friends, work out daily at the gym and have enough time for self-growth and hobbies.
But five-time winners Brazil, along with Portugal and the Netherlands, will for the first time be clad in shirts made from recycled polyester in a bid to make the tournament a fraction greener.
I make time for staying active and getting outside. I make time for playing with my kids and being alone with my wife.
Make time every day for reading. Read aloud to the kids, or have the whole family spend time with their own books, or listen to an audiobook.
More often than not, requirements will evolve over the life of the project, if for no other reason than the time it takes to deliver a project often exceeds the time businesses need to make changes.
Often we make time for our family or other loved ones, but we neglect ourselves. Schedule time for yourself, doing something you love doing by yourself.
If you will be away for a time, tell them where you are going and make sure you return or call at the time you say you will.
Any time you do anything for a charity such as sponsoring an event or donating free materials, make sure the press knows about it ahead of time.
As they are increasingly time impoverished, they place a higher value on their time and as a result they see the contribution you make to be of greater value than what you charge for that service.
Read and write together. Make time every day for reading. Read aloud to the kids, or have the whole family spend time with their own books, or listen to an audiobook.
There's a time and a place for sprints, but, without careful integration, sprints often make your work incoherent and deplete you at the same time.
If you don't make time for exercise, you'll probably be forced to make time for an illness.
When you look for images, you can end up spending a lot of time. Make sure you budget that time into your projects.
"There will be time for them to make profits, and there will be time for them to get bonuses," Obama said.
They sat talking for hours on the dusty, twig-littered floor, one or other of them getting up from time to time to cast a glance through the arrowslits and make sure that no one was coming.
At the same time, it's important to make sure that you get the most bang for your buck when it comes to taking the time and energy to learn new skills.
Carroll enjoyed his time in Denmark but firmly believes time is on his side to prove a point in England and show the qualities which helped him make 72 appearances for United.
Carroll enjoyed his time in Denmark but firmly believes time is on his side to prove a point in England and show the qualities which helped him make 72 appearances for United.