About one year from now, NASA expects to see it making tracks on Mars.
The recent tracks of the fox or otter, in the yard, remind us that each hour of the night is crowded with events, and the 28 primeval nature is still working and making tracks in the snow.
He had attempted to cover his tracks by making her death appear like suicide.
Her seat slides forward and back on tracks in the center of the cockpit, which increases the OARS 'Angle of attack as they enter the water — making each stroke longer and more efficient.
General Motors, for example, now systematically tracks the geographic origin of all the bits that go into making its cars.
The Joban train now does not run any further than Mito City; past this, the tsunami has battered train tracks and highways, making passage nearly impossible.
If it finds the right configuration, Stuxnet sabotages it by making subtle changes to the speeds of the centrifuges over several weeks, while displaying normal readings to cover its tracks.
Aviary tracks how and where elements are used, making sure that licenses and credits are preserved.
Then dipping toy truck tires into red paint roll them along the paper making tire tracks.
By tracing the paths based on those tracks on the ground, the streets on the borders were connected by using comfortable slopes, making the paths accessible for all the neighbours.
The special inverter and pump for photovoltaic water pump is expensive and making using of general inverter to drive general water pump can not tracks point of maximal power.
The Joban train now does not run any further than Mito City; past this, the tsunami has battered train tracks and highways, making passage nearly impossible.
The Joban train now does not run any further than Mito City; past this, the tsunami has battered train tracks and highways, making passage nearly impossible.