Utilized the cytoplasmic male-sterile line belongs to C group.
The similarity coefficient were 0.967 between the cytoplasmic male-sterile line and NIL.
The Cause of pollen abortion was considered difference to the male-sterile line of variant rice type.
There occurs pollen abortion during the stage from tetrad to single nucleus pollen grain of cytoplasmic male-sterile line in Brassica napus Var. oleifera(Raphanus sativus L. ).
JA content in the leaves and the flower buds in male-sterile line was lower than its normal variety, as endogenous pollen bourgeon regulator, JA might restrain the bourgeon of pollen.
The genetic basis of the male sterile line was expanded, which widen the applied range of excellent genic male sterile gene.
The results showed that the numbers of isozymes and their intensity varied between the male sterile line and its maintainer .
The contents of carbohydrate, soluble protein, free proline and the amylase activity were studied in male sterile line and maintainer line in Denglonghong radish during different growth period.
The paper introduces the breeding methods of the homozygous two-type line, temporary maintainer line and complete sterile line with a recessive epistasis nuclear male sterile.
In this study, the new male sterile line and maintainer was developed fertility with some features of better agronomy character, stable fertility and normal growth.
The combining ability of S10 and its combinations was tested. The transferring method of genetic male sterile line was discussed.
The results indicate31111S is a typical photoperiod sensitive male sterile line.
The male fertility of wheat male sterile line Zhou 13s1 was studied by means of sowing date tests, at the same time, the anther morphological characters also were investigated.
通过分期播种试验对新育成的小麦雄性不育系周13s - 1的育性进行研究,同时观察了其花器形态。
The differences of the nectar volume and bee pollination between two different types of male sterile line that were transferred by inbred line 02-12 were studied.
本文以结球甘蓝自交系02 - 12为父本转育成功的两个不同类型雄性不育系为试材,对其花蜜量及蜜蜂授粉差异进行了研究。
It is very important to study further mechanism of floral development and male sterile line of HGMS as well as its practicality.
The analysis of combining ability showed that Father plant 290-1 and Male sterile line 240 which had high GCA could be regarded as good crossing parents.
Conditional (reversible) male sterile line in plants would be fertile under special conditions, and thus could be used as two-line to produce hybrid seeds.
The separation of fertility in F1, F2 and BC1 from crosses between cytoplasmic male sterile line of Chinese sorghum "Jinong 105" and 9 restoring lines of sorghum were statistically analysed.
以中国高粱胞质雄性不育系“吉农105”为研究试材,用9个常用高粱恢复系与之杂交,并对其杂种后代F 1、F2及BC1的育性分离比例进行了统计调查。
"Hualiangyou 106" was bred by crossing between early-maturing early indica temperature-sensitive genetic male sterile line "M103S"(mother parent) and new early rice line "T1005".
"You I458" is a new hybrid rice combination, which is bred by crossing between wild-abortive homeotypic cytoplasmic male sterile "You IA" and strong restoring line "R458".
Therefore, cloning male fertility-related genes and used to create the ideal male sterile line is a new way of improving the cotton yield and quality by cotton heterosis application.
Inheritance and main agronomic traits of photo-thermo-sensitive genic male sterile line W1 with a greenable albino leaf was investigated.
Alloplasmic male sterile line 034a was breeded by using method of distant hybridization and backcross.
Thirdly, using RAPD technique to amplify DNA of the AALY001 NMS two lines, one specific marker NMSOPM09500 was obtained in the male fertile line but without in the male sterile line.
Heterosis utilization is an effective way to improve the yield of flax, but the main obstacle in prior suitable heterosis utilization is the lack of excellent flax male sterile line.
Heterosis utilization is an effective way to improve the yield of flax, but the main obstacle in prior suitable heterosis utilization is the lack of excellent flax male sterile line.