Female offspring of male rats on bad diets are more likely to develop diabetes-like disease.
The birth weight of all male and female offspring rats were measured on postnatal day 2.
Objective To investigate the effect of perinatal bisphenol a BPA exposure on brain development of F1 male offspring.
Objective: To investigate the effects of kidney-jing deficiency on the fertility of male mice and their male offspring.
With rising temperatures, this endangered reptile could produce all male offspring by 2085, guaranteeing its extinction, a new study finds.
I have taken the Levites from among the Israelites in place of the first male offspring of every Israelite woman. The Levites are mine.
Objective To investigate the effects of fenvalerate on reproductive system of male offspring rats after maternal exposure in gestation.
These sons are in turn strong and outdo other weaker male offspring to reproduce - thus ensuring survival of the fittest and of the family line.
If two serfs of different lords married, the male offspring reverted to the father's Lord, while the female offspring went to the mother's.
China's strong cultural imperative for male offspring has led many families to do whatever they must to ensure that their one permissible child is a son.
Kibabu and two of his male offspring, Fuzu and Fataki, are scheduled to leave Taronga in 2013 to form a bachelor group at Orana Wildlife Park in New Zealand.
This, coupled with a cultural preference for male offspring, has led to a significant imbalance between the number of male and female children born to its citizens.
They are the Israelites who are to be given wholly to me. I have taken them as my own in place of the firstborn, the first male offspring from every Israelite woman.
For example, the authors discuss findings where maternal stress has been associated with an increased risk of schizophrenia in male offspring and may alter fetal brain growth.
The shortage of male offspring had prompted discussions earlier this year by politicians of changing the law to allow a female sovereign, as is the case in many European monarchies.
Gellatly was curious about studies of male shrimps, Marine worms, and yes-human males-that showed that their likelihood of producing male offspring seemed to mimic that of their parents.
BEIJING - a bias in favor of male offspring has left China with 32 million more boys under the age of 20 than girls, creating "an imminent generation of excess men," a study released Friday said.
BEIJING - a bias in favor of male offspring has left China with 32 million more boys under the age of 20 than girls, creating "an imminent generation of excess men," a study released Friday said.
In this, humans follow a pattern that is widespread in mammals: male hostility to a female's offspring from previous matings.
However, while a boost in temperature generally results in a nest full of more females than males, the opposite is true for tuatara whose offspring skew toward male in warmer climes.
In countries such as the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, such offspring were seen as negative reminders of Western male colonizers and Eastern female war victims and opportunists.
This all-lady lizard species (of theAspidoscelis genus) from Mexico and the U.S. Southwest manage to produce well-bred offspring without the aid of male fertilization.
Ten of the 18 adoptions were by males, even though male chimps normally have little to do with their offspring.
They will also play affectionately with their offspring but will often turn nasty if a youngster pesters too stubbornly or an adolescent male challenges for dominance.
Background the potential mutagenic effects of cancer therapies and the growing number of young male cancer survivors have given rise to concern about the health of their offspring.
The different degrees of fertility and pollen-spreading appearances were observed in the offspring of the recessive male sterile cotton "Dong a" with early-maturing genetic background.
Compared with male rats fed a regular diet, those on the high-fat diet fathered offspring that tended to gain more weight, develop more fat and have more trouble regulating insulin levels.
The offspring through parthenogenesis of E. americanus are all male.
The offspring through parthenogenesis of E. americanus are all male.