In 2007, there were 0.6 million new malicious code threats.
Also, the malicious code can gain control of the mashup page.
Unfortunately, malicious code can find its way into a Web application in many ways.
The same is true on a dynamically generated page if a link has malicious code in it.
For example, a hacker could use malicious code to take control of PCs using the software.
He can get inside a neighbor's virtual machine and add malicious code to PaaS applications.
The malicious code therefore cannot read, alter, or further damage the data on your computer.
This puts your build server at some risk from bugs and malicious code committed to source trees.
这就把构建服务器置于提交给源树的 bug和恶意代码的风险之下。
As we have discussed, the JVM serves to prevent malicious code from entering an enterprise system.
As you can see, the hacker changes the query's logic by entering the malicious code as his userid.
Yes, it seems that to get the malicious code working, a user would still need to be surfing with IE.
If the data contains malicious code, sensitive data on the mashup page can fall into the wrong hands.
This inadvertent interpretation can lead to malicious code execution and possible security violations.
On-demand scripts can include malicious code aimed at exploiting security vulnerabilities such as XSS.
The same techniques allow Microsoft to find malicious code that may have been injected in its products.
If the targeted Web site doesn't check for this type of malicious code, misuse of the user is probable.
The modification of actual malicious code to bypass antivirus has not pleased many security-software vendors.
Guarantee that the pages in the Web site return user inputs only after validating them for any malicious code.
On some of the networks I manage, I restrict traffic to exclude.doc in favor of.rtf as prophylaxis against malicious code.
在我所管理的一些网络上,我进行了流量限制:把. DOC排除在外,而赞成使用.RTF,以预防恶意代码。
To exploit the security hole, hackers must trick users into visiting a Web site loaded with malicious code, Microsoft said.
To exploit this, attackers send malformed JSON objects to these libraries so the eval function executes their malicious code.
However, another team started later but successfully obfuscated all nine samples of malicious code in 2 hours 25 minutes.
One way to protect yourself from malicious code is to make sure that what you expect as input is actually what you receive as input.
This is because malicious code can be entered as a part of the keyword search input that is executed when the user submits the search.
因为恶意代码可作为搜索关键字的一部分。 因此,用户提交搜索时,就会执行恶意的搜索关键字。
When some part of the mashup is written under malicious intent (or has been hacked), it can inject malicious code into the application.
While restricting web surfing to trusted sites should reduce the risk of infection, the malicious code can be injected into any website.
Malicious code can be hidden in fonts that automatically load when a user opens a PDF file, allowing a hacker to take control of the device.
恶意代码可以隐藏在字体中,当用户打开PD F文档时自动加载,从而允许黑客完全控制手机。
Last September, a group of computer scientists demonstrated just how easy it was to sneak malicious code into the computers of Facebook users.
Most especially, don't even try to suppress the status or URL bars of a new window; that's just asking for malicious code to phish your users.
尤其是,不要试图禁用新窗口的状态栏或URL 栏;这无疑是在邀请恶意代码侵害您的用户。
CSRF attacks originate from malicious code from an intruder site that tricks a browser into transmitting unprovoked requests to a trusted site.