Appoint a new man at the top..
If you are an energetic man with which you are concerned, you find yourself invariably under the orders of some big man at the top who is elderly, weary and cynical.
如果你是个精力充沛的人,对于如何恰当地完成你的工作有着独到的见解,那么你会发现自己总是听命于上面的某个大人物。 而他又是一个上了年纪,精力不支,还爱吹毛求疵的人。
A woman tied a rope around herself while a man at the cliff top held the rope.
Crammed together on rows of shelves, each one has the image of a man or woman reclining as at a banquet on top of the urn, staring out at the gaping visitors.
For a man who spent so many years at the top of international banking he has little to say about global finance, a peculiar omission given the troubles of the past three years.
As can be seen in the drawing, a man is standing on top of the highest of many mountains while looking at something far away.
He was astonished at what he found. A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woolen goods.
The problem is, Rooney needs the rest of Man United to play at their best so he is happy staying at the top of the pitch ready to score goals.
At the top of the mountain was the United States border with Canada. Canadian officials weighed the supplies of each man.
Looking at our Lodi links, the top story about a man who attacked a judge in court and was killed by police had 781 articles at my deadline for filing this column.
请看Google News中有关罗迪市的链接,在我的专栏截稿前,关于一名男性因在法庭上攻击一位法官被警察击毙的报道共有781篇文章。
Top: an East German border soldier looking at a man hammering a section of the Berlin Wall near the Allied checkpoint Charlie on June 2, 1990.
33in the synagogue there was a man possessed by a demon, an evil spirit. He cried out at the top of his voice.
Doctrine Man made the Xtra Normal parodying PowerPoint Rangers that appears at the top of this post; the "tool behind the tool" phrase is his, too.
“文件人”在他的公告栏顶部认为X traNormal是对PowerPoint流浪者的拙劣模仿;“工具背后的工具”也是他的说法。
In these days of soulless accountants at the top, the world of science is no longer about human curiosity as it has to be budgetary approved by a know-nothing money man.
It is an amiable illusion, which the shape of our planet prompts, that every man is at the top of the world.
For me, Giorgio Armani is a man who has been at the top of his game for more than 30 years.
It begins with the man in his flat at the top of a Soviet-style block in the depths of winter.
Each summer the vegetation at the top of the cliff drops a handful of seeds on to the beach, the way a rich man throws loose change to beggars.
Manu Ginobili, the NBA's top sixth man, will carry the flag for the Argentinian delegation at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Games.
He was a tall, thin man dressed all in black, with a cold, stony face at the top of the column.
Now you understand and this man appears at the top of the list of Mr. Allan Sterling's Facebook—one of the favorites.
They are also one of those predators at the top of the ocean's food chain, preyed upon mostly by man.
He was astonished at what he found. A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woollen goods.
He was astonished at what he found. A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woollen goods.