On the other hand, the pricing is one part of the management strategy of enterprise.
Portfolio management both partakes in and enables various aspects of the enterprise business strategy.
Data quality can make or break an enterprise information management strategy, which in turn determines the success of its business integration strategy.
Business process support for the value chain includes management of business strategy requirements, and enterprise architecture (for both product development and product delivery).
A means for reducing the risk of missing information needs or failing to align the SOA management of information with the wider information needs and strategy for the enterprise.
Portfolio management is concerned with effective, timely, and continuing investment decisions about initiatives; which enable goals and goals components of the enterprise business strategy.
Portfolio management is concerned with effective, timely, and continuing investment decisions about initiatives that enable goals and goals components of the enterprise business strategy.
Customer relationship management is a business strategy that provides the enterprise with a complete, dependable, and integrated view of its customer base.
Competitive advantage is always the centre contents of enterprise strategy management research.
Gartner envisions data services guided by an enterprise information management strategy to maximize the value and accessibility of information.
The relation between strategy and stratagem is a kind of difficult question in Chinese enterprise strategic management.
Strategic budget management in enterprise is a kind of budget management mechanism oriented by the aim of the enterprise strategy.
Cash discharge management strategy - a part of enterprise function strategy, is showing its important practical significance.
Enterprises evolutionism is a main school of the theory of modern enterprise and strategy management.
Management of enterprise strategy now become the focal point of bussiness management.
Therefore, efficient control about the value chain which is variable in different period is crucial for a enterprise on strategy choosing and regeneration of management.
The research on people capability of software organization is an important part of human resource strategy management for it enterprise.
The uncertainty of surroundings makes the enterprises change their management from traditional mode to adaptive enterprise strategy.
Abstract: the bidding is an important content of highway construction enterprise management, and bidding strategy is an important aspect in the bidding activities.
Focus on How to ensure the effective implementation of the strategy, the company marketing, enterprise culture, customer management, made some concrete implementation strategy recommendations.
The strategy research of the Logistics enterprise based on supply chain management is a theme of narrow range.
The core of the interior of the strategic performance management system is the enterprise strategy and the performance index system.
At the same time, budget is not only regarded as a management tool of enterprise financial operation management, but also an effectual means of enterprise financial strategy realization.
The strategic choice of horizontal integration management mode is to cultivate enterprise core competence under the environment of Supply China Management, and carry out outsourcing strategy.
CI strategy is an advanced method of modern enterprise management.
Generation inheritance is the key measure of enterprise human resource management and also an effective strategy for the future moral education.
When working out the strategy of management enterprise should analyze its immediate environment, that was the trade state of the enterprise's competition.
The crucial point of enterprise strategy management is how to attain the competitive predominance. This will be determined according to the circumstance of individual enterprises.
The goal of the strategy cost management is attain the competitive advantage to assurance the lifelong of enterprise.
The goal of the strategy cost management is attain the competitive advantage to assurance the lifelong of enterprise.