The social managerial function is determined by the make-up factors and the social quality of the news propagation.
At the same time, effective managerial operating mechanism should be built to guarantee the realization of the function of diversified teaching evaluation modes in universities.
Managerial human capital is an important kind of human capital. It is regarded as a kind of ability to explain producing function, and it is a core competing resource.
Such systems emphasize the managerial communications function.
The managerial ability of the information resources is essentials condition that the library gives play to the social function.
More recently, attention has also been focused on systems which directly support the principals (managers and professional workers). Such systems emphasize the managerial communications function.
In the paper, using production function and cost function, We have set up a theoretic model of intangible assets appraisal by the method of managerial economics.
The time to execute work is a function of innumerable variables, such as weather, managerial abilities, health, and payments and incentives etc.
The time to execute work is a function of innumerable variables, such as weather, managerial abilities, health, and payments and incentives etc.