It is sure to cry soon, and a daintier morsel I haven't had for many a long day.
Many parents work all day long to provide their children with a good living condition, but their kids might want for nothing else but the company of their parents.
On the whole, you may be pretty sure, if you go into your garden, and find many flowers — as tulips, marigolds and morning glories — shut, it will be a stormy day, unfit for picnics or long walks.
With Father's Day fast approaching, many dads admit they are struggling with how to juggle long days at the office and quality time with their family, according to a new survey.
I didn't know what to make of5 it at first, but before long I became accustomed to hearing it many times a day.
Treatment guidelines for tuberculosis in children have been developed recently by WHO, but the recommended dosage requires a child to swallow many tablets a day over a long period of time.
They make a living working many hours a day, 7 days a week, often in the dark, without a break for long stretches of time.
The fact that more people are working from home is a trend. That many of them wear Snuggies all day long is a fad.
If one day you feel tired, as long as a turn around, my blessing on your side, no matter how far away no matter how many years, I love all around you to protect you!
Editor: you draw many lines every day. Do you your hand quiver a long time?
Many Americans dream of the day they can retire and take a long-awaited road trip across the country.
Shasta thought they took a long time going past, for though he had been talking and thinking about "two hundred horse" all day, he had not realized how many they really were.
Many people who dislike a long day are afraid of short life!
In Boxing Day, many shop doors on the early morning row in a long queue.
It's a long and bad day! So many worries, I was totally depressed!
Many people need to adjust their digestive system again after eating and drinking in a long 7-day holiday.
The day-to-day route choice is a non-cooperative game process with many participants during a long time period.
Many French customs and traditions, including the celebration of Bastille Day on July 14, prevailed there for a very long time.
WITH Father's Day just past, many dads admit they are struggling with how to juggle long days at the office and quality time with their family, according to a new survey.
Needless to say, "V-J Day" didn't capture a highly anticipated embrace by long-lost lovers, but it also wasn't staged, as many critics have claimed.
Doctor: How long have you been smoking? How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
Think about it-long, irregular hours, day and night, many time zones, and all the time looking good and having a smile for happy and unhappy passengers alike.
When I was little I would draw all day long like many kids do and my parents enrolled me in a painting academy.
We are a stronger team now because this team has attitude, focus and every day since I am manager for a long time, I have not seen many teams with such consistent focus every day to improve.
We are a stronger team now because this team has attitude, focus and every day since I am manager for a long time, I have not seen many teams with such consistent focus every day to improve.