Joy points upward, according to Marie Kondo, whose name is now a verb and whose nickname is being trademarked and whose life has become a philosophy.
据近藤麻理惠(Marie Kondo)讲,愉悦是向上的力量。她的名字现在成了一个动词,她的昵称正被注册成商标,她的生活方式变成了一种哲学。
THE LAST TIME I saw Marie Kondo, we were in a hotel room in Midtown, a different one, and still the only visible objects in it were that metal suitcase and her husband's laptop.
我上一次见到近藤麻里惠是在中城的一家酒店房间。 不是同一个房间。 但房间里能看到的唯一几件物品还是只有她的金属旅行箱,还有她丈夫的笔记本电脑。
Meet Marie Kondo on steroids: the self-help guru James Altucher, who found happiness, in part, by whittling down his worldly possessions to 15 items, which he totes around in a carry-on.
见识一下加强版的近藤麻里绘(Marie Kondo)吧:励志导师詹姆斯·阿尔图切(JamesAltucher)发现了幸福,部分是通过把自己世俗的财产削减到15样东西,放进一个随身携带的包里。
Meet Marie Kondo on steroids: the self-help guru James Altucher, who found happiness, in part, by whittling down his worldly possessions to 15 items, which he totes around in a carry-on.
见识一下加强版的近藤麻里绘(Marie Kondo)吧:励志导师詹姆斯·阿尔图切(JamesAltucher)发现了幸福,部分是通过把自己世俗的财产削减到15样东西,放进一个随身携带的包里。