However, there are amphibious penguins and seals and a rich Marine life, ranging from the minute organisms called plankton to the biggest creature the world has ever known, the blue whale.
The largest creature the scientists found was a thalattosaur, a marine reptile about 10 long, which would have preyed on the larger fishes there.
This baby slipper lobster, found during a Census of Marine Life expedition, is completely transparent, though as the creature grows, a thick shell will cover it.
Measurements of the partial skull and 20, 000 other bone fragments uncovered at the site showed that the creature was at the top of the food chain, preying on squid, fish and other Marine reptiles.
New research is shedding light on toothy Marine animals that lived before dinosaurs and, according to scientists, ate like the creature did in the movie "Alien."
During a traumatic accident whilst on a deep-sea dive in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, Olive, a gifted, young marine-biologist discovers an unearthly creature.
However, Deborah Cracknell, research lead from the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth, told MailOnline she believes the creature is a Salpa maggiore (Salpa maxima).
However, there are amphibious penguins and seals and a rich Marine life, ranging from the minute organisms called plankton to the biggest creature the world has ever known, the blue whale.
The research results has provided an effective solution to the marine creature fouling in seawater once-through cooling system of gas-and-steam united circulating power plant.
English marine experts have laid their hands on an octopus that's missing two of its own: a six-limbed creature that they have dubbed 'hexapus. '
Alaska scientists have discovered the fossil of a rare, prehistoric Marine reptile that is likely the most complete remnant of the creature ever found in North America.
Alaska scientists have discovered the fossil of a rare, prehistoric Marine reptile that is likely the most complete remnant of the creature ever found in North America.