Medusae play an important role in Marine ecosystem.
The Marine ecosystem also couldn't avoid this disaster.
Bloom A sudden growth of microorganisms in a freshwater or marine ecosystem, often known as an algal bloom.
淡水或海洋生态 系统中微生物迅速增长的现象,例如藻类造成的水华。
This makes them crucial in supporting a healthy marine ecosystem upon which more than 1bn people depend for food.
Because plankton are the base of the Marine food chain, the South Atlantic Ocean supports a rich Marine ecosystem.
One of the most authoritative resources in the field, this volume covers all aspects of this important Marine ecosystem.
Marine ecosystem dynamical modelling and simulation study is one of the most important research fields of the marine ecology.
The value of marine ecosystem services is mainly on support function which is about 74.68 percent of the total value in the Bohai Sea.
Some characteristics such as accumulation, transference of HTO in simulated Marine ecosystem were studied with isotope tracer technique.
Based on related models, this paper valuated the marine ecosystem service losses caused by sea reclamation in Xiamen Bay from 1980 to 2005.
A National Geographic emerging explorer and fellow, Sala and his team are studying the entire Marine ecosystem of the southern Line Islands.
The results showed that marine ecosystem self repair ability is the key factor, followed by the organizational structure of the marine ecosystem.
Reefs play an invaluable role in the marine ecosystem, harboring hundreds of species of marine life that rely on them for food, shelter, and protection.
Fossil hunters have uncovered the remains of an ancient Marine ecosystem that arose in the aftermath of the most devastating mass extinction in Earth's history.
His team studied data from more than 200 Marine ecosystem models, which arrived at more than 68, 000 estimates of fish biomass for years ranging from 1880 to 2007.
Based on detailed analysis of the advance for ecosystem service function and its value assessment, the connotation and definition of Marine ecosystem is discussed.
The marine ecosystem is more and more recognized as a source of extremely potent anti-cancer agents. Many compounds of them have entered into the clinical research.
With a deeper research by scientist, the importance of the interaction of multi-species is realized. A marine ecosystem multi-species model is applied to manage fishery.
Climate is an integral part of ecosystem functioning and human health is impacted directly and indirectly by results of climatic conditions upon terrestrial and Marine ecosystems.
The rise of salinity caused the many effects on the marine ecosystem, such as the breeding areas, nursery areas and marine biological community structure in Laizhou Bay, etc.
But if that ice collected in one general area, the team posited, it might be enough to provide a last "refuge" for many of the inhabitants of the Arctic's coastal marine ecosystem.
On the basis of discussion of present status and problems involved with research on the Marine carbon cycle, the role of Marine ecosystem dynamics in ocean carbon cycle is analysed.
One of the key issues in the marine ecosystem dynamics studies is to accurately estimate the dissolved biogenic substance flux across the sediment-seawater interface in the shelf sea.
Sea island with a lot of beautiful coral growth, gathered together with all kinds of life colorful tropical fish, just like a huge tropical Marine ecosystem, is a good place for leisure.
But a new research said that the so-called atmospheric aerosols can poison the phytoplankton so as to damage the Marine ecosystem and change the content of the greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.
By some accounts, Somalia's rare corral ecosystem has been damaged beyond repair, thus risking the loss of fish and Marine resources for good.
By some accounts, Somalia's rare corral ecosystem has been damaged beyond repair, thus risking the loss of fish and Marine resources for good.