Under Roman law in the first centuries of the Common Era, there were proper opportunities for divorce and the dissolution of a marital union for both parties.
Under current divorce law, husbands and wives each get half of the marital assets unless one is proven to have acted in a way that violated the marriage.
To cooperate and translate Chinese inter marital traditional law to Nigerians and as well Africa.
Statutory regime as to marital property is not only an essential component of matrimonial property regime, but also a necessary content of marriage law.
As a newly-occurred life style, the unmarried cohabitation has already undeniably impacted our marital family life and challenged the current law.
To realize the male's bearing rights, the marital female 'bearing rights should be properly restricted by law.
If it becomes law, the contracts would make clear in advance the responsibility for marital duties, such as childcare, schooling and household budgeting.
At the same time it can, using the counterpart laws and rules, analyze new situation, new problem in the nowadays society, and focuses on ongoing on the established of marital and family law.
In the ancient Arab world, coffee became such a staple in family life that one of the causes allowed by law for marital separation was a husband's refusal to produce coffee for his wife.
The legal character of the marital agreement decides the law applicable of the marital agreement.
China's current marital property system is a relatively complete set of the property system based on the new marriage law in 2001.
Though differences exist in legislature between two kinds of law systems, they share the same Legislative spirit, which provide legislature on marital property with implication on various aspects.
Foreign marital property system should base on the fundamental principle of change and the law of the place where the property is situated should be applied concerning the third party's interests.
Foreign marital property system should base on the fundamental principle of change and the law of the place where the property is situated should be applied concerning the third party's interests.