A restaurants typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottled water its often 300 to 500 percent.
A restaurant's typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottled water it's often 300 to 500 percent.
Designing with mark-up is like welding I-beams without a blueprint.
Modern screen readers rely on mark-up (specifically, the label tag).
Every item sold, even at the tiniest mark-up, is better than no sale at all.
Groups can use it to mark-up and comment on web pages, images, and other content.
The next generation E4, based on dependency injection with OSGi services and mark-up based uis.
WebSphere portal supports various devices by generating portal pages in three mark-up languages.
Wireless Mark-up Language (WML), for Wireless Access Protocol (WAP) devices (typically mobile phones)
无线标记语言(Wireless Mark-up Language,WML),用于无线接入协议(Wireless Access Protocol,WAP)设备(通常为移动电话)
It is similar to JSP in that it mixes HTML mark-up and specific tags to invoke built-in functionality.
The green boxes symbolise mark-up provided by the delimiter specified on the FileOutput node's properties.
绿色框表示由 FileOutput节点的属性指定的分隔符提供的标记。
The blue boxes symbolise mark-up provided by the padding bytes specified on the FileOutput node's properties.
绿色框表示由FileOut put节点的属性指定的填充字节提供的标记。
For instance, a widget implementer can create in this method the widget mark-up and set it into the widget DOM node.
The ZK framework has a rich set of components, a mark-up language, powerful development tools, and great documentation.
This approach involves creating an XHTML page that contains the template mark-up and components, and then using these as components in other pages.
In addition, each store can adjust prices of the products by specifying a mark-up or mark-down from list price, or by specifying the actual prices.
The data for transactional printing is no longer transmitted to print service providers in print format but as raw data with structural information (mark-up).
This is useful when the widget exposes some configuration parameters that directly affect the mark-up or if the mark-up must be conditionally produced depending on external preferences.
To mark up the tables, you need to stereotype them, mark their foreign keys, and align their key gen tables to KEYGEN.
Businesses using S3 can mark up data buckets so their transfer will be paid by data requesters instead of being paid by their owners as it is now.
Keywords are not really a profile concept, but they are often used as a lightweight method to mark up elements instead of stereotypes.
Table 2 lists the more common information types that you can easily mark up as structured data.
When you have a good idea of your goals and how to mark up your content, you can build efficient elements and attributes.
I wouldn't mark up a painting or a statue.
For example, designers can mark up content as headers, paragraphs, list items, citations, and definition lists using the, and tags, respectively.
In a common scenario, you need to mark up phrases that have special semantics.
The function sorts the column cells based on the text in the cells (mark up is excluded from the sorting).
Especially given how expensive lawyers are these days, why on earth would the culture of 'must mark up documents to show value' persist?
In April, the rule was loosened, or made more "flexible," allowing firms to re-mark (up, of course) the value of toxic assets.
In April, the rule was loosened, or made more "flexible," allowing firms to re-mark (up, of course) the value of toxic assets.