I wouldn't mark up a painting or a statue.
In your journal mark up twelve pages with one virtue heading each page.
Mark up your profile pages well, folks, it's time to use our data smartly!
You'll use div, span, and other dynamic HTML elements to mark up your HTML.
In a common scenario, you need to mark up phrases that have special semantics.
A stereotype can be used simply to mark up the element to which it is applied.
Mark up strings by moving them into arguments to the special function gettext .
Using the Yangcheng brand, vendors can mark up a crab's price by at least 30 percent.
For example, Listing 8 shows how you might mark up John F. Kennedy's inaugural address.
例如,清单8显示JohnF . Kennedy的就职演说。
Mark up the service model with appropriate stereotypes from the SCA Transformation profile.
The plugin includes the definition of a new UML profile that is used to mark up a UML model.
该插件包含新的用于标记UML模型的 UML概要文件的定义。
Table 2 lists the more common information types that you can easily mark up as structured data.
This struct ACTS as a container for the properties that you mark up (the link URL and linked text).
The reviewers individually review and mark up the code, and the markups are returned to the developer.
The function sorts the column cells based on the text in the cells (mark up is excluded from the sorting).
Health. If you are healthy and do not suffer from any major diseases or afflictions mark up another point.
The highlight styles give authors a practical way to mark up phrases for which a semantic has not been defined.
To mark up the tables, you need to stereotype them, mark their foreign keys, and align their key gen tables to KEYGEN.
When you have a good idea of your goals and how to mark up your content, you can build efficient elements and attributes.
Keywords are not really a profile concept, but they are often used as a lightweight method to mark up elements instead of stereotypes.
Especially given how expensive lawyers are these days, why on earth would the culture of 'must mark up documents to show value' persist?
Once all the browsers accept HTML5 the new updates to the mark up will make the new generation of websites exceed anyone's expectations.
For example, designers can mark up content as headers, paragraphs, list items, citations, and definition lists using the, and tags, respectively.
Businesses using S3 can mark up data buckets so their transfer will be paid by data requesters instead of being paid by their owners as it is now.
These markings consist of additional stereotypes and properties that "mark up" a model with information necessary to translate the model to a particular platform.
A restaurants typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottled water its often 300 to 500 percent.
A restaurant's typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottled water it's often 300 to 500 percent.
This approach involves creating an XHTML page that contains the template mark-up and components, and then using these as components in other pages.
For instance, a widget implementer can create in this method the widget mark-up and set it into the widget DOM node.
The data for transactional printing is no longer transmitted to print service providers in print format but as raw data with structural information (mark-up).