His countenance would change color as if trembling with fear and his feet move in quick, small steps as if tracing a marked line.
For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
A defeat in the second round marked the end of the line for last year's champion.
The playing area was marked off with a white line.
For one thing, missing data is not explicitly indicated, but is simply marked by an absent line and time stamp.
For example, if you have a TODO comment, or if you perform a search, the related lines are marked in the overview ruler; clicking the markers takes you to the corresponding line.
The boundary where the two plates converge is marked by a red line, but even without the line, its location would be revealed by the trench located about 100 kilometers (62 miles) offshore.
You could open up an app like Synaptic and set a filter to show everything marked as "installed", or you could do it quickly and easily from the command line with DPKG.
The fourth line cleans up the index. IndexWriter physically deletes from the disk the documents that have been marked as deleted.
For instance, most Kohler tanks have a proper fill line marked inside the tank.
She had circles under her eyes, and on each cheek a line that ran from top to bottom that I`d never seen before, that weren`t yet deep, but already marked her like scars.
Along one side a scruffy fence lent drunkenly one way then the other, while a brutally straight line of six-foot high boards marked the other side of the territory.
In marked contrast to the mountains, sand seas line the southeastern and northern perimeters of the lake, and marshes occur along the lake shores in Azerbaijan to the west.
Each order line is marked as delivered by setting the delivery day.
Move the cursor to the line below marked --->.
The diagram below shows all the components of the model with the line marked 'reasoning' representing the slow, serial processing.
What is not in dispute: the iPhone 4 antenna has a weak spot in the lower-left corner of the frame, marked by the black line in the frame.
毫无争议的是:iPhone4 的天线在金属框的左下角有一个弱点,就在框上的黑线处。
Faults: Withers low, insufficiently marked above the line of the back.
This particular line is marked as partially hit because line 122 hasn't been executed.
To produce monthly amount, should be marked "this month together" in the column, row and single red line under the banner.
A line connecting Band to Distributor is marked on the Band side with 0..
连接Band到Distributor的线在Band旁边标有0 . .。
If there is no stop line, stop at the crosswalk, marked or not.
Even EU sanctions against Moscow weren't enough to derail the plans completely, but today's statement on the eve of a Nato summit marked a clear line in the sand.
The production on line shows that the process is technologically advanced and economically of marked benefit.
The start of the database definition is marked by the database keyword on line 6.
Hover over code marked with a wavy line to display a message describing the error.
Hover over code marked with a wavy line to display a message describing the error.