There’s also the greater issue that households are in a balance sheet recession, where they are saddled with worthless housing debt that will keep the housing market depressed.
There's also the greater issue that households are in a balance sheet recession, where they are saddled with worthless housing debt that will keep the housing market depressed.
The recession has depressed the housing market.
He said the Octagon would soon switch to a fuel cell system for heat and electricity, partly to cut energy costs at a time of a depressed rental market.
Cities are struggling from the same problems that have left the national economy sputtering: high unemployment, a depressed housing market and weak consumer spending.
They could try to sell their home, but given the depressed housing market, they are reluctant.
But based on those Banks' continued depressed stock prices and the high cost of credit they are being forced to pay, it is clear that the market is not yet convinced of their health.
Today’s extremely depressed market is running at about 9.5m.
A spinoff of the Hondajet operation, which won't deliver its first plane into a now-depressed market until a year from now, would eliminate executive distraction.
But low rates have not yet stimulated the depressed housing market.
Both GM and Chrysler say they expect the market to remain depressed for all of this year and into 2010.
That's an encouraging sign for an industry looking for examples of what can work in a persistently depressed market.
The region continues to be plagued by heavy overbuilding and a depressed tourism market.
There are all these options and I don't think we ought to keep dumping these houses on the market right now when it's so depressed.
Consumers remain indebted, and the housing market remains depressed.
As the entities couldn't bear the burden for long, they had to sell mortgage-linked securities into a hostile, illiquid market, pushing down already depressed prices.
In a depressed market, couples may not want to sell a housethey purchased at the market’s height, or one party can’t maintain the mortgageor the other can’t afford a new home.
But the Reserve warned the economy continued to face "significant downside risks" to the economic outlook, including high unemployment and a depressed housing market.
The reason to nevertheless bet on Cisco is that it’s unlikely to grow as slowly as its depressed stock price is discounting, while Apple is unlikely to grow as fast as the market is assuming.
The market is so depressed that it's hurting everyone else.
And in a larger sense, the market is so depressed that it's hurting everyone else.
Household finances and attitudes also bear heavily on the housing market, which has generally remained depressed.
I don't think we ought to keep dumping these houses on the market when it's so depressed.
The Detroit area housing market, already deeply depressed, has plummeted since the buyouts.
Besides, if ever there was a time when pay in banking and broking is likely to be depressed by the market, it is now.
Dealers say that the market is a little depressed, and a lot of people have pulled out because they felt nervous about corporate profits.
Especially when they start, as these do, from a depressed level in a bear market and have the good luck to catch a huge market rally.
A trend in the past year, especially with the depressed market cap of small to medium biotechs, is the straight acquisition of a company rather than entry into an expensive collaboration or license.
A trend in the past year, especially with the depressed market cap of small to medium biotechs, is the straight acquisition of a company rather than entry into an expensive collaboration or license.