When conversation turned to prospects for 2008, however, the salesmen voiced concern about credit markets and warned that problems in the subprime market could spill over and hurt demand.
Clearly, it could try to roll over its borrowings in the market and issue new debt to pay for spill-related costs.
The market turbulence triggered by worries over Ireland had threatened to spill over in recent days to other high-deficit countries such as Portugal and Spain.
Economists are now warning of a sharp downturn in the global economy as financial market uncertainties spill over to the general economy, including Asia.
Turbulence in the U. s. Treasury market could in particular also spill over to other fixed income markets, widening credit spreads from their current low levels.
Turbulence in the U. s. Treasury market could in particular also spill over to other fixed income markets, widening credit spreads from their current low levels.