During a visit to Kenya in 1928 he became romantically involved with a married woman.
Another aunt—this one elderly and a real lover of palm wine—went on and on about a family friend who married a Korean woman.
In 1862, Leo Tolstoy married a young woman named Sonya Behrs.
"I definitely married the right woman!" For the next two years, Alden juggled mortgage payments and payments to his manufacturers.
The novel is an intensely lyrical stream-of-consciousness about an Indian woman who leaves her family home to be married.
Many thousands of spectators gathered from all parts of Greece, but no married woman was admitted even as a spectator.
As time passed, the girl grew up, moved houses, became an adult, married, had children, and finally became a lovely little old woman with many grandchildren.
Florence was an unusual young woman for her time, because she didn't want to go to parties and get married.
The more money a married woman earns, the less housework she will do regardless of how much her spouse earns, according to a new study.
Newman may have been one of the biggest stars on the planet, whose blue eyes could stop a happily married woman at 20 paces, but he was also a burgers-and-Budweiser man's man.
But far from being the height of fashion, Mona Lisa's dress is utterly plain and timeless and, despite the fact that she is a married woman, she wears no jewellery, not even a wedding ring.
She thought she was the only married woman ever to have fallen in love with another woman, and had no one to talk to, didn't know where to turn.
It made the married woman realize that her friend's behavior is nothing like her own.
Andrée Peel was an unassuming quiet, married woman who ran a beauty salon in Brest (heh), France, when the Germans invaded and laid waste to the countryside.
She had remained unmarried for Professor Dai, Siyu thought now, and she would, with her blessing, become a married woman.
"There's nothing in the world like the devotion of a married woman; it's a thing no married man knows anything about." - Oscar wilde.
Tess, then, passed as a married woman, and he felt glad, even though she had not adopted his name.
The married woman: I sent the kids to stay at my mother's house for the night.
Larry is just no way to tell him directly to the emotions, because Tan Nate is a married woman, and she gave her energy on teaching, the students love to attend.
It is extremely unusual and contrary to accepted morality, in the eyes of a married woman, they are difficult to accept such behavior of men.
Thousands of people gathered from all parts of Greece to watch the ancient Olympic Games, but no married woman was admitted even as a spectator.
He's never slept with his wife. He says it isn't honorable to sleep with a married woman.
When I saw the letter from " Roseless Rosie ", the happily married woman who complained that her husband failed to remember " important " dates, I had to write.
When I saw the letter from " Roseless Rosie ", the happily married woman who complained that her husband failed to remember " important " dates, I had to write.