This equation reflects the special character of martensite phase transformation well.
The results show that bainite phase transformation in the middle temperature area is transitive, and it has double character of the pearlite decomposition and the martensite transformation.
Phase transformation from austenite to martensite in NiTi alloy strips under uniaxial tension has been observed in experiments and has been numerically simulated as a localized deformation.
It is found that the structure of the hardened phase in melting and transformation zone is very tiny, the martensite appears to be tiny acicular and possesses twin substructure.
Results also show that phase transformation hinge appears later on the tensile surface of cylindrical shell, but the material here goes into martensite phase first.
Results also show that phase transformation hinge appears later on the tensile surface of cylindrical shell, but the material here goes into martensite phase first.