His initial work found that cultures differ in four dimensions, one of which was masculinity-femininity.
What is the meaning of work, of leisure, of community, of masculinity and femininity, of freedom and fulfillment?
And to tone down the masculinity, incorporate a touch of femininity such as a pink shoe or a bow headband.
The right perfume or beer resolves doubts about femininity or masculinity.
Masculinity has certain characteristics and femininity has others.
For some feminists, the concept of androgyny has offered the possibility of access to a full range of experience, encompassing both "masculinity" and "femininity".
By choosing to be different from it, such as gender transgression, we might work to change gender norms and the binary understanding of masculinity and femininity.
What seemed like a successful integration into societal norms of femininity for you in the past has actually lead to repressed feelings of masculinity that have popped up for you to deal with now.
In the beginning of creation , earth was chaotic , heaven and earth did not open, the world only two gas, the Masculinity and the femininity.
5to7: children are beginning to realize their own femininity and masculinity which is why it is common for them to say they hate children of the opposite gender.
5to7: children are beginning to realize their own femininity and masculinity which is why it is common for them to say they hate children of the opposite gender.