The force alerted the FBI, who launched an operation which led to airport shuttle bus driver Najibullah Zazi, 24, being charged with conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction.
He continually returns to symbolism that stands in opposition to the natural world: the bureaucratic, the technological and, most specifically, the car, the driver, the mass movement of traffic.
The mass-storage controller detection and device-driver selection processes that are performed during the Text mode portion of Setup follow a different process.
It is claimed to be an advance on traditional loudspeaker designs because the driver has very little mass, and so low inertia, reducing distortion.
Taking the kinematic mass abrasive as research object, this paper analyzed theoretically and experimentally the influence of the planetary driver ratio in the process of centrifugal polishing.
Taking the kinematic mass abrasive as research object, this paper analyzed theoretically and experimentally the influence of the planetary driver ratio in the process of centrifugal polishing.