Transaction: Provides the operational source (system of record) with central authoring for all key master data — and the master data is consistent, accurate and complete at all times.
The key difference to the Coexistence Style is that both read and write operations on master data are now done through the MDM System.
Transforming the source data to the master data model used by the MDM System is usually a task for which WebSphere DataStage is well-suited with the following key features and benefits.
It introduces an experimental procedure of system to help the teachers, students and network engineers to understand and master the technology of MPLS VPN after the discussion of the key technology.
The reliability design of the master station software is the key technology to implement system.
On the basis of those key problems, the application of case based reasoning in resource requirements was discussed and the basic structure of the master production scheduling system was proposed.
The reliability design of the master station software is the key technology to implement electric power remote monitoring and management system.
Based on the practice in TV center, discusses the measuring technology of digital video broadcast channel for master control system and some key points that should be paid enough attention to.
It is my privilege to enclose herewith Week One of The Master Key System.
Master-apprentice system is a key format of Chinese medicine education and an important factor in forming different medical schools.
Master-apprentice system is a key format of Chinese medicine education and an important factor in forming different medical schools.