Kai holds a Doctorate degree in technology and a Master of Science degree in Engineering from the Tampere University of technology in Finland.
Kai Oistamo毕业于芬兰Tampere技术学院,拥有科技博士学位及工程科学硕士学位。2005进入Nokia集团董事局。
Wouter Baars has a Master of Science degree in Industrial Engineering and Management Science.
Wouter Baars拥有工业工程和管理科学硕士学位。
It's an important professional course for the students of Industrial Engineering&Management, Mechanical Engineering, Management Science&Engineering and Master of Engineering program in these areas.
课程简介: 学时学分先修课程开课学期数据库基础管理信息系统是工业工程与管理、机械工程、管理科学与工程、及其相应的工程硕士专业的一门重要的专业基础课程。
A former Fullbright scholar, he graduated as a physicist from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and holds a master 's degree in Engineering-Economic Systems from Stanford University.
Hua Liu, Ph. D. She was born in 1972, and presently is an associated professor and a master student supervisor of the school of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University.
Later, he pursued graduate study at the University of New South Wales in Australia and received a Master of Engineering Science degree in Civil Engineering.
Later, he pursued graduate study at the University of New South Wales in Australia and received a Master of Engineering Science degree in Civil Engineering.