One of the first steps in the design of any product is to select the material from which each part is to be made.
The plastic noumenon includes a voluble part, each of two ends of the voluble part is provided with a integrated stop part, the conducting material is wound around the voluble part.
In orderto minimize the weight of each part or system of the car, in the early stagesof development, design, process and material three must be considered.
The main material source comes from the north, and there are 4-5 former material sources nearly parallel to each other in the northern part of the basin.
北部物源供给明显,占主导地位。盆地北部4 - 5个古物源呈几乎平行的状态由北向南分布。
The main material source comes from the north, and there are 4-5 former material sources nearly parallel to each other in the northern part of the basin.
北部物源供给明显,占主导地位。盆地北部4 - 5个古物源呈几乎平行的状态由北向南分布。