They said a new test, which detects genetic material shed from the surface of cancer cells, found nearly 70 percent of assorted digestive tract cancers.
But polystyrene, the lightest and safest packaging material for any wine in the hold, is horribly difficult to recycle, and has a tendency to shed clingy white particles.
Those who have shed unnecessary things, material or otherwise, and embraced the beautiful simplicity that remains.
A rapier is merely a device made of metal or a composite material with an attachment on the end to carry the filling yarn through the shed.
The material data fill the gap of the ceramic history between Song and Jin Dynasty, moreover, they shed light on the research about the ceramic history of China.
Such massive stars tend to form in clusters, and they shed material in roiling winds that can cool down and seed planetary systems.
Tracking and erosion test on insulators and shed material was made under service condition.
Tracking and erosion test on insulators and shed material was made under service condition.