This system works reliably, operates conveniently and improve efficiency of materiel maintenance spares support.
The base of running digital manufacturing system is exact data gathering of tool, equipment, materiel and producing.
This system can approximately simulate the extrusion process and calculate the output of the extruder, brimming length along the axis of screw, materiel settling time etc.
The machinery structure, pneumatic system, PLC controller system of pneumatic materiel conveying system were introduced.
This paper introduced the application of autocontrol instrument in batching system, and charged materiel in rational scale, on top of carrying mixer and go along next process.
前言: 主要介绍了在烧结配料系统中自动化控制仪表的应用,并根据烧结工艺需求将各种物料按照所需量自动投入,由皮带输送到混合机中进行下一步工艺的生产。
This paper introduced the basic concepts, the founding rules and the technical scope of the technical system of materiel environmental engineering.
Automobile manufacture is a complex system engineering include of enormous materiel supply, manufacture operation and marketing.
Automobile manufacture is a complex system engineering include of enormous materiel supply, manufacture operation and marketing.