The mating system comprises mating portions positioned at coated abrasive end portions.
When there is a surplus of women, or a perceived surplus of women, the whole mating system tends to shift towards short-term dating.
The mating system of the present invention may be used to join a coated abrasive to itself, or to join multiple coated abrasives to each other.
The experiment uses adiantum reniforme l. var. sinense y. x. lin as material to understand its mating system through the research of ecology and genetics.
Pollinator and mating system isolation are less frequent, with the former arising when the focal species is numerically dominant but does not fully use the array of available animal pollinators (11).
Installation, connection, testing, experiment and mating of additional equipments required in system.
The executive mechanism of Cu-Al pipe butt welder, based on above, was designed, including its air system and mating clamper.
The brain system evolved to focus your energy on an individual and start the mating process.
According to the Vedic system, persons who are only engaged in planning a higher standard of materialistic life consisting of eating and mating are no better than animals.
The executive mechanism of Cu-Al pipe butt welder, based on above, was designed, including its air system and mating clamper.
Test results indicate that the control system is able to meet the demand of mating and exchanging between the manipulator and the toolkit completely.
Test results indicate that the control system is able to meet the demand of mating and exchanging between the manipulator and the toolkit completely.